� � � � Concerts and shows and movies oh my! � � � �

I haven't "diaried" in a while. I've been enjoying my bike A LOT and going to lots of fun shows. I got a chance to see Prince (a longtime favorite in my music collection) and it was such a positive experience I felt like the roof of the Allstate Arena (always remembered to me as the Rosemont Horizon) was going to come off. But you can imagine that not only did this little man with rhythm and talent of genius manage to pull off an intimate experience in a ridiculously large venue but he has one of the funkiest magic men around touring with him - Maceo Parker

But there's more! Last week I rocked my heart out at the Sonic Youth show at the Riviera - what a small and perfect place to see such an intensely cool band. It was a fantastic performance by a seasoned and perfect rock group. There's nothing they do that I don't respect. Last time I saw sonic youth they were heading down a very experimental path and the London crowd was disrespectful unappreciative even booing them off stage. Those people angered me. This was a very different show - everything I hoped it would be and so much more. (Respect to Wolf Eyes who were very impressive.)

But yea, lots of shows these days... at least 6 more that I can think of coming up. A fan's work is never done. Well, it does a lot for my brain to listen to good live music.

We saw the Corporation a few weeks back too. It was very intelligent and well made and I highly recommend it.

This past weekend my sister Lizzy and her husband Ed came up from Champaign to celebrate her birthday. Lots of good food, a trip to Ravinia, and a terrible new Denzel Washington movie later and we're now catching up on cleaning the little sty we've made of our apartment.

This summer's finally turning out to be one of the best I've ever had.

< < rotting veg � � � � fresh veg > >

� the life of bunny volstead �
�� rabit patch ��
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��� the other animals ���
get yer own bunny patch